Big River Group, LLC

We have had the privilege of working with businesses, non-profit organizations, and school clients for the past 20 years. These experiences have enabled us to build the skills and develop the tools that we are sharing with you. We have multiple planning tools available on our website at Take a tour and use our resources to make your business run WAAAYYY better!

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Location: Saint Cloud, Minnesota

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Got Plans?

My clients have been asking for a training session on planning, so here it is.

Chainsaw Planning© is an effective and efficient way to develop a strategic plan or goals in waaaay less time while providing clear direction that employees can understand & follow.

You are invited to attend a Train-the-Trainer session by Dr. Bruce Miles who has trained more than 8,000 leaders on Chainsaw Planning©, and has personally helped clients develop almost 1,000 Chainsaw Plans.

The session will be help on Thursday, March 3rd, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Radisson Hotel in St. Cloud, MN.

Participants will receive all materials necessary, and will work through hands-on simulations that will allow them to return to their organizations & facilitate their own planning.

EARLY REGISTRATION: If you register before February 20th:

1-2 people $90 per person
3-5 people $70 per person
6+ people $60 per person

After February 20th:

1-2 people $95 per person
3-5 people $80 per person
6+ people $70 per person

To register for this session, click here.

Call me @ (800) 500-7017, or e-mail me ( if you have any questions.


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